Academian Markku Kulmala receives Friendship Award from the Chinese government

Markku Kulmala works as a professor at the University of Helsinki. He is also Foreign Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and has been active in China since the year 2009.

Scientific discoveries in the field of atmospheric and climate research from Professor Markku Kulmala’s collaboration with Academician, Professor Congbin Fu and Professor Aijun Ding are the backgrounder for Professor Kulmala to receive the Chinese Government Friendship Award. It was Nanjing University, the First Chinese university whom Professor Kulmala is collaborating with in China that nominated Professor Kulmala for the Friendship Award.

Recently Academician Kulmala has established the Haze and Aerosol Laboratory at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, and published mechanisms of new particle formation in Shanghai in the journal Science in collaboration with Fudan University and other collaborators.

The award was presented by Mr. Liu He, Vice Premier of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China.

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