Väisälä Fund
The call for applications for the grants from the Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Fund is open yearly in August/September. The application materials and system are only available in Finnish. Application announcement: see announcement.
The application is made and sent electronically through online service. Please read all instructions carefully before sending the application.
Please see Instructions for applicants for further information
Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Fund distributes grants to representatives of fields of research included in the mathematical and natural sciences. The Board of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters ensures that fields close to those in which Vilho Väisälä and his brothers worked are well represented. Those fields are physics, mathematics, geophysics, meteorology and astronomy.
A recent innovation is that the Väisälä Fund joined the post doc pool set up by the Council of Finnish Foundations to provide longer scholarships for postdoctoral research work abroad.