Instructions for applicants

Applications for the grants awarded by the funds and foundations of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, apart from the Mathematics Fund, are made via an online application service. More detailed application instructions are always published on the Finnish website when a call for applications opens. This page includes all of the general instructions regarding applications. More detailed instructions, such as the application period, are always published with the announcement of the grant.

Please be sure to read the application instructions carefully. Application announcements are revised annually and may include changes.

Going through the FAQ page on the Finnish site containing questions regarding the application process is also recommended.

Additional information and advice related to applications is available from the office of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters ( or + 358 (0)50 4620 889).

Application period

In the spring, applications are accepted for grants from the Eino Jutikkala Fund and the Emil Öhmann Foundation and the Hilkka and Otto Brusiin Foundation. In the autumn, applications are accepted for grants from the Vilho, Yrjö and Kalle Väisälä Fund.


No written recommendations are attached to the application or sent afterwards. Only maximum of two names of possible referees are given in the form.

Language of the application

The application materials and service are only available in Finnish. Applications can, however, be submitted in English, also including possible application appendices. Only exception is when the fields is instructed to be filled in Finnish. In that case the box can be left unfilled.

Please notice, that you don’t have to be a Finnish citizen to apply.

Evaluation of applications

Applications are processed by experts in the relevant fields. The names of the people who have evaluated the applications will not be published.

Decisions regarding the grants are made by the Board of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters or in the case of foundations, the Board of the Foundation.


The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters will contact the grant recipients personally. The decisions of awarded grants are sent in writing by mail. The names of the recipients can be seen on the website of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters following the award ceremony.

Evaluations of the applications will not be provided after the application process.

Grant period

The grants from the Jutikkala and Väisälä Funds are always awarded for the following year. For example, grants applied to for in 2020 are awarded for 2021 and they become available on 1 January 2021.

The grants awarded by the Öhmann and Brusiin Foundations are available immediately after the award ceremony held in October, however, they must be used within the following year at the latest.

Grants are not awarded retroactively.

Grant report

All recipients of grants from the funds and foundations of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters must submit a report for the awarded grant. Additional information regarding the report and schedule for submission can be found under Selvitys apurahasta (only in Finnish). The report should be sent within four months after the grant period has ended.


Are you using a browser add-on to translate web pages? Can you try disabling that and see if it works? Sometimes it helps to try a different browser. This could also be because you have some sort of code in your text that you have pasted into the form. For security reasons, the system does not save the code. You could try copying the text into Notepad or similar and then pasting it into the form, this will remove any hidden code in the text.

The only required attachment is a progress report from the supervisor of PhD thesis when applying for second or third grant period. Progress report is not required if you haven’t previously received PhD grant from the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.

All required attachments are listed in the application at the Liitteet (“Attachments”) page. Don’t send as an attachment CV, publications list or research plan. All information is given in the application fields.

Yes, applications (and related attachements) can also be submitted in English or Swedish. There are no compulsory fields in Finnish.

Separate references are not attached to the application. Neither is there a separate system for providing references. The inclusion of the names and contact information of the references is sufficient (these are requested on the Application (“Hakemus”) page). The system also does not send requests to the references.

In the case of Jutikkala Fund and Väisälä Fund the grant period starts January 1st the earliest. The grant period needs to start during next year following the application period.

In the case of Öhmann Foundation and Brusiin Foundation the grant can be paid in November, the earliest. The grant period need to start during next year following the application period.