
Read our latest news.

Afternoon seminar on the history of science and knowledge

The History of Science project will host an afternoon seminar on current methodological considerations in the history of science and knowledge on Friday 11 April 2025.

Two invited guests are Prof. Stéphane Van Damme (École Normale Supérieure) and Prof. Johan Östling (University of Lund).

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Scientific community and science funding agencies commit to cooperation on accelerating the sustainability transformation

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters has compiled a joint declaration with signatures from 12 universities, 3 foundations and 10 other scientific actors that seek to create a community of scientists and science supporters to act as pioneers of the sustainability transformation. The undersigned invite all scientific organisations and science funding agencies to work together.

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The magic of the Northern Lights – The Night of Science, 9.1.2025

Join us at Hanaholmen (Hanasaarenranta 5, Espoo) for a deep dive into the world of the Northern Lights and the mysteries of space weather!

Professor Minna Palmroth’s lecture will among other things reveal what the Northern Lights can tell us about the current state of space. The event concludes with the documentary Fire in the Sky (2019).

The event is part of the Night of Science programme. Free admission!

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The preconditions for scientific insights – The Helsinki Science Forum, 10.1.2025

A mix of material, social, and intellectual factors make scientific insights possible. Yet, the historical and social aspects of creativity often take a backseat to the idea of individual brilliance, perpetuated not least by the scientists themselves. In this discussion, we will explore examples of these preconditions and discuss how they change over time.

Place: Studium 1, University of Helsinki (Fabianinkatu 33)

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Merry Christmas!

Starting from 20.12., the office of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters will be on Christmas break. We will be available once again on 3.1.2025.

We would like to wish everyone happy holidays and thank our partners, members, and everyone who attended our events this year!

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Kuvassa vanhempi tutkija Katariina Parhi, kuvassa teksti, jossa lukee sana blogi

Crowdsourcing Finnish History of Science

The project History of science in Finland aims at a comprehensive mapping of scientific life in the republic of Finland since 1918. Senior researcher Katariina Parhi describes what happens next in the project. Data collection will continue this autumn in the form of a discussion tour, interviews and biographies.

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Open lecture / President Marcia McNutt 3.10.2024

All our members are warmly welcome to attend an open lecture by President, Dr. Marcia McNutt from National Academy of Sciences (NAS) on “Policy for Public Good: Does Science Matter?”.

President McNutt will visit Finland by the invitation of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.

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Kuvassa Tuula Linna Suomalaisen Tiedeakatemian ovikyltin edessä

The humanities on sustainability

What is the role of the humanities in addressing the major challenges of our time? The President of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Tuula Linna, writes about the relationship between the humanities and sustainable development.

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Seminar: Satellite Positioning in Our Uncertain World, 18.9.2024

In recent years, we have seen an increasing number of cases where GNSS positioning has been disturbed, either intentionally or for natural reasons. In this seminar, we will discuss the threats and vulnerabilities of GNSS positioning and ways to detect and mitigate them. Welcome to hear and discuss the topic.

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