
27.06.2024 News

Office closed in July

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters is on summer break during July. We wish all our members a happy holiday season!

24.06.2024 Publications

AASF 1/2024 out now

Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (AASF) is published twice a year as an open online publication on the platform. The first issue for 2024 has now been published and offers an interesting collection of articles from different scientific disciplines.

19.06.2024 Grants and prizes

Väisälä project grants to Assistant Professor Oscar Kivinen and Assistant Professor Maaria Nordman

Forms of support for setting up a research group are rare in Finland. The Väisälä project grant, worth €150 000, was awarded by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters for the second time this spring. The awarded grants will be used to study algebraic geometry and the movements of the Earth’s crust in Antarctica.

30.05.2024 EventsScience and policy

Save the date for the science communication seminar in January 2025

The event is intended for science communicators from the Nordic and Baltic countries. Welcome to meet international colleagues, network, and discuss themes that unite us all.

The registration starts on the 20th of September 2024.

If you are interested in presenting findings, best practices etc. related to the topics of the seminar, please send in your informal proposal by the 19th of June 2024.

For the benefit of science

For the good of society

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters is a broad-based learned society founded in 1908 with the principal aim of promoting scientific research and acting as a bond between those engaged in advanced research.

The Academy invites academics and scientists who have distinguished themselves in their own fields to become members.

We arrange meetings, discussions and educational events. We also produce scientific publications and do issue comments on questions of research and researchers. We make proposals concerning science and those engaged in it, thus taking an active part in the long-term planning of science policy.

The Academy contributes over 2.5 million euros in grants and awards annually.

Grants & Prizes




Science and policy