Year Book 2023 now online

The Year Book 2023 of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters has been published. The publication can be found on our website.

The Year Book contains the annual report of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, the awards, prizes and grants awarded during the year and greetings from the President and Secretary General of the Academy. Obituaries of members of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters are also published in the Year Book. The custom for academies to publish obituaries of their deceased members is a tradition that dates back to the 17th century, and one that the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters has observed ever since its foundation.

The Annual reports of the Emil Öhmann Foundation and the Hilkka and Otto Brusiin Foundation are also published in the Year Book.

The Academy has published the Year Book since 1977. The printed Year Book is sold by Bookstore Tiedekirja: Go to website! The publication is mailed to all members of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters.