
Read our latest news.

Seminar “Chemistry in Centennial Finland” April 21, 2017

The Group of Chemistry of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters organises seminar “Chemistry in Centennial Finland – Solutions to Major Challenges”. The seminar highlights the importance of chemistry as science in resolving some of the acute big challenges in the society. The event celebrates, for its part, Finland’s 100th anniversary year. The seminar is free of charge and open to the general public; pre-registration is required. Welcome!

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Title of Academician of Science granted to three scientists

Members of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters, Academy Professor Eva-Mari Aro, Academy Professor Markku Kulmala and Professor Emeritus Ilkka Niiniluoto have been awarded the honorary title of Academician of Science, the highest honour that can be bestowed on any individual scientist in Finland. Academy congratulates the new Academicians!

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Call for proposals open

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters is participating in a new seed funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence in Finland and France. Call for proposals is now open! Deadline is March, 31 2017.

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Seminar March 13 – Suomen tie ja tiede II

Finnish Academy of Science and Letters organises seminar Suomen tie ja tiede II on March 13. The seminar is part of the series “Tieteen vuosi 2017”. House of the Estates, Helsinki, 17:15. Speeches by Juhana Aunesluoma and Matti Roitto. Free entrance. Welcome!

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Year of Science 2017

The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters is participating in the centenary celebration of Finland by organising the Year of Science 2017 (Tieteen vuosi…

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