Annales Academiae Scientiarum Fennicae (AASF) is published twice a year as an open online publication on the platform. The first issue for 2023 has now been published and offers an interesting collection of articles from different scientific disciplines.
The publication includes eight articles:
Robin Dunbar: The Social Brain Hypothesis Thirty Years On: Some Philosophical Pitfalls of Deconstructing Dunbar’s Number
Olli-Pekka Vainio: Mielensä muuttamisesta
Kaius Tuori: Pacta sunt servanda
Helena Korpelainen: Plant genetic resources for food and agriculture: novel materials for adapting to changing environmental conditions
Niklas Jensen-Eriksen: Yrityshistoria ja kasvuyrittäjyys
Juha Vaara: Quantum-Chemical Approach to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Paramagnetic Systems
Pasi Ihalainen: Miten edustuksellinen demokratiamme on muuttumassa? Digitaalisen käsitehistorian näkökulma
Liisa Laakso: Akateeminen vapaus tutkimuskohteena – havaintoja Afrikasta