Maupertuis Program: Call for proposals open

Researchers Short Mobility program (RSM) 
Deadline is 31 October 2021

In order to initiate or strengthen cooperation in science, innovation and higher education on all research topics of mutual interest, this program will allow researchers from France and from Finland (both ways) to visit their counterparts for a short period (from a few days up to 2 weeks). Doctoral students and young researchers are strongly invited to apply! The objectives of such visit are:
– To discuss potential concrete collaboration on research and, if possible, on higher education (mobility of students, dual degrees, joint PhD, EU applications for grants…)
– To meet with several researchers within the host institution to explore all possible other collaborations, also in a multidisciplinary approach
– To identify short, medium and long term perspectives of collaborations and official cooperation formalization in order to build a sustainable cooperation between research teams, research laboratory, departments and institutions.

Download the application form (.pdf). The form is returned to


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Finnish Academy of Science and Letters together with The Institut Français, the Embassy of France in Finland, the French Ministry of Education, Higher Education and Research and the Finnish Society for Science launched a seed funding program to initiate and strengthen bilateral cooperation in science, innovation and higher education in fields of excellence in both countries.

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