Year Book 2023

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The Year Book is also available for download as a complete work or as articles. The files are in pdf format.

Download the whole Year Book 2023 (.pdf)


Tuula Linna: Greeting from the President
Pekka Aula: Greeting from the Secretary General


Academy Award – Lea Pulkkinen
Pro Scientia Prize – Juhani Knuuti
Prize for the Humanities – Christian Hakulinen
Väisälä Prize – Anu Kankainen
Väisälä Prize – Lauri Oksanen


Annual report of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters
Research knowledge for the benefit of society – Finnish Academy of Science and Letters as a forerunner
Science Gala
Väisälä project grant of the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters


Publications by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters in 2023


Aulis Aarnio
Bengt Broms
Jussi Huttunen
Jaakko Hämeen-Anttila
Sören Illman
Kai Krohn
Eino Murtorinne
Olli Mäkelä
Matti Nuorteva
Risto Näätänen
Kalevi Pyörälä
Viljo Rasila
Eero Saksela
Seppo Siirilä
Liisa Simola
Tauno Turunen
Pentti Virrankoski