Which of the statements below are true?
Please answer the statements below. For each statement, the correct answer is described and justified.
Please answer the statements below. For each statement, the correct answer is described and justified.
Utilise your own observations and views.
This time the starting point of the task is a hypothetical incident. The situation is not typical of interaction between research and policy-making, but instead it describes a moment where things have gone awry from the perspectives of several different parties.
Write: Briefly ponder why this could have happened. How do you think the researcher should act in this situation? How could the situation have been avoided?
Discuss the course and its contents in a small group. Finally, write a short summary.
Advisory template for the task:
Literature and further reading
de Jong, S., Barker, K., Cox, D., Sveinsdottir, T. & Van den Besselaar, P. (2014). Understanding societal impact through productive interactions: ICT research as a case. Science and Public Policy, 23, 89-102. https://doi.org/10.1093/reseval/rvu001
Lam, A. (2011). What motivates academic scientists to engage in research commercialization: ‘Gold’, ‘ribbon’ or ‘puzzle’? Research Policy, 40, 1354-1368. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.respol.2011.09.002
Reale, E. (2022). Factors enabling social impact: The importance of institutional entrepreneurship in social science research. Science and Public Policy, 49, 632-642. https://doi.org/10.1093/scipol/scac014