History of Science
The History of science in Finland aims at a comprehensive mapping of scientific life in the republic of Finland since 1918. The project is jointly supported by the two national academies of science (The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters and The Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters).
Building on earlier histories of science in Finland, it broadens the field by incorporating new methodological tools offered by social studies of science, the history of knowledge and the global history of science and knowledge. It sheds light on the place of science and society, and vice versa, and poses new questions about the position and predicament of Finland in the world-system of science.
The project also makes extensive use of oral and written recollections by scientific practitioners in Finland. These testimonies will complement the archival and published sources that form the basis for the expected outcomes of the project: a multivolume book series (in Finnish, Swedish and English) as well as an on-line platform on the history of science in Finland.
The project is coordinated by the project manager Stefan Nygård (The Finnish Academy of Science and Letters & University of Helsinki) and the chief-editors of the book series Heini Hakosalo (University of Oulu), Henrik Meinander (University of Helsinki) and Jari Ojala (University of Jyväskylä).

More information:

Stefan Nygård
Project Manager
p. 050 360 1973

Katariina Parhi
Senior researcher

Heikki Mikkonen
p. 045 633 9928