Science advice initiative Sofi
Sofi was a novel national-level initiative focusing on building next generation scientific advisory system in Finland and a joint venture of the four Finnish science academies. The three-year work (2019–2021) was coordinated by the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. Work was funded by the Ministry of Education and Culture.
The Impacts of Digital Media on Children, Young People and Senior Citizens
Publication date: February 2021
The topic for the first phenomenon map formed as the impacts of digital media on children, young people and senior citizens. The compilation report includes all the parts of the phenomenon map: descriptions of method and process, six evidence syntheses of various levels from different perspectives, mapping of research gaps concerning research on Finnish children and young people, proposed measures and the literature list. The phenomenon map provides useful reading on the impacts of digital media, media education, the media use of children, young people and senior citizens as well as evidence syntheses and methods of producing them for the ones interested.
Read more: Phenomenon Map: The Impacts of Digital Media on Children, Young People and Senior Citizens (PDF file)