On this page, we explain what we mean by the terms we use when describing our work.
Policy preparation
Takes place mainly in ministries as official preparation, i.e., by ministry officials. Officials working in ministry working groups produce proposals for new laws or new strategic guidelines. The preparation results in a draft government proposal, which proceeds to parliamentary consideration.
Decision-maker / policymaker
A person in a decision-making position, especially a person involved in societal decision-making, such as a politician, or a state administration official working in a ministry.
Science advice
Science support for decision-making. The main goal of science advice is to provide research knowledge to support decision-making. Science advice is realized as a result of cooperation between organizations that produce, mediate, and utilize research. The term refers especially to the traditional linear logic, where researchers answer questions posed by decision-makers (cf. Science brokerage).
Science Sparring
Interdisciplinary dialogue concept developed by us. It is based on constructive discussion between researchers and decision-makers. Science Sparring is facilitated by science brokers.
Science communication
Communicating about science and new research results through media, social media, or face-to-face communication.
Science brokerage
Science brokerage refers to facilitating dialogue between researchers and decision-makers. Through science brokerage methods, a meaningful culture of dialogue can be created between researchers and decision-makers, and mutual understanding can be built between the parties. Dialogue can be supported, for example, by organizing facilitated workshops for researchers and decision-makers, as well as by formulating and synthesizeing popularized research information to different stages of the decision-making process.
“Field” of science and decision-making
An entity formed by actors involved in scientific research, including researchers, universities, research institutions, science academies, research funding foundations, science brokers, and administration representatives.
Impact of science
Change achieved in society and in the scientific community through research results, research activities, teaching, and other interaction.
Science popularization
Presenting research results and other scientific information in an easily understandable form relevant to the audience.
Knowledge synthesis
The knowledge syntheses we produce are reliable overviews based on research knowledge, researchers’ expertise, and statistical data about a phenomenon and its societal significance for decision-makers. Knowledge syntheses are popularized and multidisciplinary.
Knowledge base
All the information that is gathered to support decision-making. The knowledge base can consist of, for example, research information, researchers’ assessments, and statistical data.
Evidence-based decision-making
Evidence-based decision-making is about seeking balance between scientific knowledge, other knowledge, and political goals. This means that research information and other types of knowledge can be systematically considered in decision-making, but research information does not directly guide decision-makers to a certain outcome.
Information need
Defines what kind of information needs to be acquired to make the decision at hand. Defining the information need is often the first stage of evidence-based decision-making.
Summary page
A summary page crystallizes the core contents of a knowledge compilation onto one page. The purpose of the summary page is to help the reader quickly grasp what the knowledge compilation is about.
A collaborative approach used, for example, in producing or improving knowledge, products, and practices. In co-creation, parties strive towards a common goal by sharing information with each other and committing to common practices. In science brokerage, co-creation methods are typically used in defining the goals, topics, and questions of advice.