Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ
Series A. I. Mathematica

Volumen 18, 1993

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Aikawa, Hiroaki: Quasiadditivity of capacity and minimal thinness, pp. 65-75.

Bergweiler, Walter, Mako Haruta, Hartje Kriete, Hans-Günter Meier, and Norbert Terglane: On the limit functions of iterates in wandering domains, pp. 369-375.

Bujalance, E., A.F. Costa, and D. Singerman: Application of Hoare's theorem to symmetries of Riemann surfaces, pp. 307-322.

Chuaqui, Martin: On a theorem of Nehari and quasidiscs, pp. 117-124.

Cunningham, Robin: Univalent functions of given transfinite diameter: a maximum modulus problem, pp. 249-271.

Danikas, Nikolaos, and Peter Lappan: On the multiplicative behavior of Bloch functions, pp. 395-401.

Ebenfelt, Peter: Some results on the Pompeiu problem, pp. 323-341.

Gonzalez, Manuel: Dual results of factorization for operators, pp. 3-11.

Hansen, Lowell J., and Harold S. Shapiro: Graphs and functional equations, pp. 125-146.

Luukkainen, Jouni: On the relative Schoenflies theorem, pp. 31-44.

Makagon, A., and H. Salehi: Infinite dimensional stationary sequences with multiplicity one; Part II, pp. 203-210.

Mayer, Volker: Cyclic parabolic quasiconformal groups that are not quasiconformal conjugates of Möbius groups, pp. 147-154.

Mellon, Pauline: Holomorphic curvature of infinite dimensional symmetric complex Banach manifolds of compact type, pp. 299-306.

Näätänen, Marjatta: A cellular parametrization for closed surfaces with a distinguished point, pp. 45-64.

Nag, Subhashis: On the tangent space to the universal Teichmüller space, pp. 377-393.

Nakanishi, Toshihiro, and John A. Velling: A sufficient condition for Teichmüller spaces to have smallest possible inner radii, pp. 13-21.

Partyka, Dariusz: Approximation of the Hersch-Pfluger distortion function, pp. 343-354.

Petersen, Carsten Lunde: A PLY inequality for Kleinian groups, pp. 23-29.

Semmes, Stephen: Bilipschitz mappings and strong weights, pp. 211-248.

Stallard, Gwyneth M.: Meromorphic functions whose Julia sets contain a free Jordan arc, pp. 273-298.

Strebel, Kurt: The mapping by heights for quadratic differentials in the disk, pp. 155-190.

Velling, John A.: Degeneration of quasicircles: inner and outer radii of Teichmüller spaces, pp. 191-202.

Winkler, Jörg: A uniqueness theorem for monogenic functions, pp. 105-116.

Wu, Jang-Mei: Null sets for doubling and dyadic doubling measures, pp. 77-91.

Zajac, J.: Functional identities for special functions of quasiconformal theory, pp. 93-103.

Zhong, Li: Non-uniqueness of geodesics in infinite-dimensional Teichmüller spaces (II), pp. 355-367.