Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ

Series A. I. Mathematica

Volumen 7, 1982


Fasciculus 1
Commentationes in memoriam
Rolf Nevanlinna

Preface (by Olli Lehto), p. 5

Ahlfors, Lars V.: Riemann surfaces and small point sets, pp. 49-57

Bleuler, Konrad: Differentialgeometrische Methoden in der Physik, pp. 99-109

Carleson, Lennart: Estimates of harmonic measures, pp. 25-32

Fuchs, W. H. J.: The development of the theory of deficient values since Nevanlinna, pp. 33-48

Hayman, W. K.: Some achievements of Nevanlinna theory, pp. 65-71

Lehto, Olli: On the birth of the Nevanlinna theory, pp. 5-23

Pfluger, Albert: Über konforme Abbildungen des Einheitskreises, pp. 73-79

Rickman, Seppo: Value distribution of quasimeromorphic mappings, pp. 81-88

Toppila, Sakari: On Nevanlinna's proximity function, pp. 59-64

Wittich, H.: Anwendungen der Wertverteilungslehre auf gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen, pp. 89-97

List of Rolf Nevanlinna's publications (prepared by Ilppo Simo Louhivaara), pp. 111-112

Fasciculus 2

Aviles, Patricio, and Allen Weitsman: On the singularities of certain nonlinear partial differential equations, pp. 147-156

Beaver, Brad, Leo Sario, and Cecilia Wang: Positive biharmonic functions, pp. 141-146

Bhattacharyya, P., and Y. E. Arumaraj: On the Fatou set of monic polynomials, pp. 157-163

Fehlmann, Richard: Quasiconformal mappings with free boundary components, pp. 337-347

Granlund, S., P. Lindqvist, and O. Martio: F-harmonic measure in space, pp. 233-247

Haario, Heikki: On the range of real coefficients of functions with bounded boundary rotation, pp. 165-176

Iwaniec, Tadeusz: On Lp-integrability in PDE's and quasiregular mappings for large exponents, pp. 301-322

Ketonen, Timo, and Kaisa Nyberg: Twisted sums of nuclear Fréchet spaces, pp. 323-335

Kühnau, Reiner: Quasikonforme Fortsetzbarkeit, Fredholmsche Eigenwerte und Grunskysche Koeffizientenbedingungen, pp. 383-391

Martikainen, Olli: Convolution of generalized vector measures, pp. 369-382

Mattila, Pertti: On the structure of self-similar fractals, pp. 189-195

Näätänen, Marjatta: Regular n-gons and Fuchsian groups, pp. 291-300

Pommerenke, Ch.: On Fuchsian groups of accessible type, pp. 249-258

Purmonen, Veikko T.: On quasi-parabolic problems with normal boundary conditions, pp. 279-290

Rickman, S., and M. Vuorinen: On the order of quasiregular mappings, pp. 221-231

Sarvas, Jukka: Quasiconformal semiflows, pp. 197-219

Stegbuchner, H.: On some extensions of a theorem of Hardy and Littlewood, pp. 113-117

Steinmetz, Norbert: Über die eindeutigen Lösungen einer homogenen algebraischen Differentialgleichung zweiter Ordnung, pp. 177-188

Toppila, Sakari: On the growth of the spherical derivative of a meromorphic function, pp. 119-139

Vuorinen, Matti: On the Harnack constant and the boundary behavior of Harnack functions, pp. 259-277

Yamashita, Shinji: Functions of uniformly bounded characteristic, pp. 349-367
