Annales Academi� Scientiarum Fennic�

Series A. I. Mathematica



471. Jutila, Matti: A new estimate for Linnik's constant (8 pp.) 1970

472. Metsänkylä, Tauno: A congruence for the class number of a cyclic field (11 pp.) 1970

473. Lepistö, Timo: An estimate for the class number of the Abelian field (15 pp.) 1970

474. Martio, O.: A capacity inequality for quasiregular mappings (18 pp.) 1970

475. Langer, Heinz: Invariante Teilräume definisierbarer J-selbstadjungierter Operatoren (23 pp.) 1971

476. Pommerenke, Ch.: Estimates for normal meromorphic functions (10 pp.) 1970

477. Duren, P. L., and Lehto, O.: Schwarzian derivatives and homeomorphic extensions (11 pp.) 1970

478. Kelingos, J. A.: On the maximal dilatation of quasiconformal extensions (8 pp.) 1971

479. Salomaa, Arto: On some families of formal languages obtained by regulated derivations (18 pp.) 1970

480. Järvi, Timo: On control sets induced by grammars (7 pp.) 1970

481. Tammi, Olli: On Green's inequalities for the third coefficient of bounded univalent functions (10 pp.) 1971

482. Laine, Ilpo: Quasirational mappings on parabolic Riemann surfaces (26 pp.) 1970

483. Nitsche, Johannes C. C.: Minimal surfaces with partially free boundary (21 pp.) 1971

484. Näkki, Raimo: Boundary behavior of quasiconformal mappings in n-space (49 pp.) 1970

485. Tietäväinen, Aimo: On the nonexistence of perfect 4-Hamming-error-correcting codes (6 pp.) 1970

486. Lepistö, Timo: On commutative languages (6 pp.) 1971

487. Krzyz, J., and Zlotkiewicz, E.: Koebe sets for univalent functions with two preassigned values (12 pp.) 1971

488. Martio, O., Rickman, S., and Väisälä, J.: Topological and metric properties of quasiregular mappings (31 pp.) 1971

489. Pfluger, Albert: Lineare Extremalprobleme bei schlichten Funktionen (32 pp.) 1971

490. Lawrynowicz, Julian, and Tammi, Olli: On estimating of a fourth order functional for bounded univalent functions (18 pp.) 1971

491. Starke, Peter H.: Einige Bemerkungen über asynchrone stochastische Automaten (21 pp.) 1971

492. Metsänkylä, Tauno: Note on the distribution of irregular primes (7 pp.) 1971

493. Paz, A.: Formal series, finiteness properties and decision problems (16 pp.) 1971

494. Sario, Leo, Wang, Cecilia, and Range, Michael: Biharmonic projection and decomposition (15 pp.) 1971

495. Heikkilä, Seppo: On the complete integrability of the first order total differential equation (33 pp.) 1971

496. Dragosh, Stephen: The distribution of Fatou points of bounded and normal analytic functions (11 pp.) 1971

497. Laine, Ilpo: On the behaviour of the solutions of some first order differential equations (26 pp.) 1971

498. Obrock, E. Arthur: Null Orlicz classes of Riemann surfaces (22 pp.) 1971

499. Lohwater, A. J., and Piranian, George: Bounded analytic functions with large cluster sets (7 pp.) 1971

500. Lehto, Olli: Schlicht functions with a quasiconformal extension (10 pp.) 1971
