Annales Academię Scientiarum Fennicę

Series A. I. Mathematica



421. Toppila, Sakari: Some remarks on the value distribution of entire functions (11 pp.) 1968

422. Gauthier, Paul: The non-Plessner points for the Schwarz triangle functions (6 pp.) 1968

423. Toppila, Sakari: A remark on Bloch's constant for schlicht functions (4 pp.) 1968

424. Suominen, Kalevi: Duality for coherent sheaves on analytic manifolds (19 pp.) 1968

425. Martio, O.: On harmonic quasiconformal mappings (10 pp.) 1968

426. Taari, Ossi: Raumwinkel und quasikonformität (16 pp.) 1968

427. Nummi, V. J.: Operator-operand languages (29 pp.) 1968

428. Ylinen, Kari: Compact and finite-dimensional elements of normed algebras (37 pp.) 1968

429. Turakainen, Paavo: On probabilistic automata and their generalizations (53 pp.) 1968

430. Tienari, Juhani: Deficiency indices of linear mapping (31 pp.) 1968

431. Kilpi, Yrjö: Über lineare Räume mit der Norm zweiter oder dritter Art (40 pp.) 1969

432. Barth, K. F., and Schneider, W. J.: On the impossibility of extending the Riesz uniqueness theorem to functions of slow growth (9 pp.) 1968

433. Lepistö, Timo: Two remarks concerning Dirichlet's L-functions and the class number of the cyclotonic field (8 pp.) 1968

434. Hess, Peter: Über das verallgemeinerte Dirichletproblem für lineare partielle Differentialgleichungen (28 pp.) 1969

435. Schiffer, Menahem, and Tammi, Olli: On bounded univalent functions which are close to identity (26 pp.) 1968

436. Rickman, Seppo: Extension over quasiconformally equivalent curves (12 pp.) 1969

437. Bauer, Karl Wilhelm: Zur Verallgemeinerung des Poissonschen Satzes (28 pp.) 1968

438. Anderson, G. D.: Symmetrization and extremal rings in space (24 pp.) 1969

439. Turakainen, Paavo: On languages representable in rational probabilistic automata (10 pp.) 1969

440. Ennola, Veikko: On numbers with small prime divisors (16 pp.) 1969

441. Jarchow, Hans: Stetigkeit Hermitescher Formen (12 pp.) 1969

442. Maskit, Bernard: On a class of Kleinian groups (8 pp.) 1969

443. Tammi, Olli: Grunsky type of inequalities, and determination of the totality of the extremal functions (20 pp.) 1969

444. Steinby, Magnus: On definite automata and related systems (57 pp.) 1969

445. Petersson, Hans: Über Funktionen mit dem Transformationsverhalten der logarithmischen Ableitungen automorpher Formen und die Resultatfunktionen des Heckeschen Summationsverfahrens (29 pp.) 1969

446. Jalava, Vä:inö: On spectral decompositions of operators in J-space (10 pp.) 1969

447. Honkapohja, Matti: Degree and point-inverses of mappings on spheres (5 pp.) 1969

448. Martio, O., Rickman, S., and Väisälä, J.: Definitions for quasiregular mappings (40 pp.) 1969

449. Rickman, Seppo: Removability theorems for quasiconformal mappings (8 pp.) 1969

450. Laasonen, Pentti: Ein überquadratisch konvergerter iterativer Algorithmus (10 pp.) 1969
