Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ
Volumen 42, 2017, 771-797
Charles University, Department of Mathematical Analysis
Sokolovská 83, 186 00
Prague 8, Czech Republic; hencl 'at'
aapo.p.kauranen 'at'
Abstract. We construct a Sobolev homeomorphisms F ∈ W1,2((0,1)4,R4) which fails the 2-dimensional Lusin's condition on H2-positively many hyperplanes, i.e. there exists C1 ⊂ [0,1]2 with H2(C1) > 0, such that for each (z,w) ∈ C1 there is a set A(z,w) ⊂ [0,1]2 with H2(A(z,w)) = 0 and H2(F(A(z,w) × {(z,w)})) > 0.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46E35.
Key words: Lusin's condition, Sobolev mapping.
Reference to this article: S. Hencl and A. Kauranen: Sobolev homeomorphisms in W1,k and the Lusin's condition (N) on k-dimensional subspaces. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42 (2017), 771-797.
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