Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ
Volumen 42, 2017, 135-139
Warsaw University of Technology,
Department of Mathematics and Information Sciences
Ul. Koszykowa 75, 00-662 Warsaw, Poland; p.gorka 'at'
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana,
Facultad de Ciencias,
Departamento de Matemáticas
Cra. 7 No. 43-82, Bogotá, Colombia; silva-h 'at'
Abstract. In this note we show that, in the case of bounded sets in metric spaces with some additional structure, the boundedness of a family of Lebesgue p-summable functions follow from a certain uniform limit norm condition. As a byproduct, the well known Riesz–Kolmogorov compactness theorem can be formulated only with one condition.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46B50; Secondary 46E30.
Key words: Compactness, Riesz–Kolmogorov theorem, metric measure spaces.
Reference to this article: P. Górka and H. Rafeiro: Light side of compactness in Lebesgue spaces: Sudakov theorem. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42 (2017), 135-139.
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