Annales Academiæ Scientiarum Fennicæ
Volumen 42, 2017, 921-930
Soochow University, Department of Mathematics
Suzhou 215006, P.R. China; 20144007001 'at'
Soochow University, Department of Mathematics
Suzhou 215006, P.R. China; huyun_80 'at'
Soochow University, Department of Mathematics
Suzhou 215006, P.R. China; ylshen 'at'
Abstract. This short note is a continuous work of our previous paper [SW], where we were mainly concerned with the BMO theory of the universal Teichmüller space. We will endow the BMO-Teichmüller curve Tb, the VMO-Teichmüller curve Tv and the BMO-Teichmüller space Tb with BMO manifold structures and prove that all these three spaces Tb, Tv and Tb are contractible. We will also introduce a (new) extended BMO-Teichmüller space Tb and endow it with BMO manifold structures.
2010 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 30C62, 30F60, 32G15; Secondary 30H35.
Key words: Universal Teichmüller space, BMO-Teichmüller space, VMO-Teichmüller space, strongly quasisymmetric homeomorphism.
Reference to this article: Y. Fan, Y. Hu and Y. Shen: On strongly quasisymmetric homeomorphisms. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 42 (2017), 921-930.
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