Annales Academi� Scientiarum Fennic�
Volumen 32, 2007, 251-267
�bo Akademi University, Department of Mathematics
F�nriksgatan 3 B, FI-20500 �bo, Finland; mikael.lindstrom 'at'
�bo Akademi University, Department of Mathematics
F�nriksgatan 3 B, FI-20500 �bo, Finland; niklas.palmberg 'at'
Abstract. We study the predual spaces of a large family of analytic function spaces and thereby extend the recently obtained results by Pavlovic and Xiao.
2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 46E15; Secondary 47B38, 30D45, 30D50.
Key words: A general family of analytic function spaces, F(p,\alpha,\beta)-spaces, R(p,\alpha,\beta)-spaces, duality, predual, multiplication operator.
Reference to this article: M. Lindstr�m and N. Palmberg: Duality of a large family of analytic function spaces. Ann. Acad. Sci. Fenn. Math. 32 (2007), 251-267.